Will George Kittle Hit Coach Duggs With A Stone Cold Stunner After Their Fight On Twitter Today?

Actually following through with an April Fools joke can be a dangerous game. 1 minute you're loving all the easy laughs you're getting on the internet but the next minute your entire career can get cursed by a man who was literally brought to life by another man streaming NCAA '14 to 100,000 people during a worldwide pandemic. 

Life comes at you fast, even if you're an alpha beast like George Kittle it seems. But who would've guessed Coach Duggs had this much vitriol inside of him? Clearly if you come at the Jacksonville Jaguars king YOU BEST NOT MISS...

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(live look at Greg getting escorted out of DUUUVAL)

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Simply put, George Kittle has no choice but to send Duggs into the stratosphere via Stone Cold Stunner. There's no doubt Coach is 1 of the nicest guys in the office and I'm not saying I want to see him ejected into space… but you can't curse the entire career of an All-Pro motherfucker and not expect some poignant pain in return. 

Don't forget, THIS is who Gus Duggerton is coming at…

Who knows where this feud will go from here. Will Duggs rescind his #KittleCurse? Does he even have the means to accomplish such a feat? How does Greg battle back against it all, is he gonna get Zah involved to curse the rest of Duggs coaching career/life now? Anything could happen at this point. And it SHOULD. 

Maybe we'll even see Gus VS Greg square off at Rough N' Rowdy, with stunners officially sanctioned of course. Someone needs to take it to the limit here, don't let a newcomer come in and STEAL THE DAMN SHOW! #TeamGreg

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